This is the final shots of my little project. I'm very glad with of the final results amd i learn very much in this sculpture. I hope do you like it ;-) First the details!
Now the final shots, with a fantastic illumination!
I wish to thanks everyone in the course (Tiago, Perin, Luis, Ramases, Pedro, Marcio, Thais, Bruno) and my masters (:P) Rick Fernandes and Alex Oliver!
Depois de séculos sem postar nada novo no blog, venho com novas imagens de Cthulhu! Ja estou quase no fim, falta a asa e refazer a nuca do bicho!!!
For many centuries without post anything new in the blog, i bring new images of Cthulhu! I'm close to finish the sculpture, rest to make the wing and the nape!!!